Customer Testimonials
Having tried different types of de-toxification methods,  I was a little apprehensive about another. This  one was different however. Unlike others, I did not feel hungry with low blood sugar and actually had more energy. I was even able to exercise and felt even better.   It was a very rejuvenating  time and not only did I feel the cleansing of my organs, but also the clearing of my mind.  My cleanse lasted almost 2 weeks.   I am ready as well as excited to do another one.

Tina B.
Kailua, HI

 As a practitioner of western medicine for over 20 years I was very much unprepared for, and surprised by, the power of Lomilomi treatments, and by Kevin Kishida's ability to deliver that power to another person again and again and again. Of all the arts I have tried Lomilomi has had by far the biggest, fastest, and most lasting benefits for each of the layers of "me", my mind, my body, and my spirit. Where other arts have fallen short, Lomilomi has been a path towards a healthy oneness, a unification of the same mind-body- spirit trio I plan to follow this path for as long as this 50 year old body needs, even if that’s a lifetime.

Dr. Dan Braun 
Kailua, HI

Health in the Perfect Order